
Design by Dylan Tan

I am an entrepreneur that has had his foot set in different types of businesses from traditional to technology. I am now with 2iB Partners a Management Consultancy firm and was encouraged to pursue my hobby in addition to my daily work through this page.

It is my closet hobby to design eye-catching websites, brocures and various other marketing collaterals. This page is meant as a depository on the projects and design work that I have done! Feel free to use them for inspiration 😉


At heart, I like to make things beautiful. 

Simple Website

I used Divi and WordPress for these websites and I think they look great. Feel free to use them as design inspiration.

Brochure Design

I have done up a few. View them below!

Social Media Posts

I’ve been creating eye catching social media posts for a few years now. It’s all over the place currently.

Posters, Banners and other physical collateral

Through my events I’ve designed and printed many banners, poster and the such.

Hope you’re enjoying my page

Scroll downwards if you’d like to view some of my past works!

Get in touch with me


Recent Work


Click on the logos below to view website


Get in Touch

This is a hobby page but I will try to get back in touch as soon as I can. 

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